WHY: I love it! Heritage Makers has been an amazing addition to my photo studio. The quality, creativity and price point I am able to offer my clients is untouchable. Being a part of HM has allowed me to reach clients I would not have been able to. It has allowed me to maintain the commitment to excellence I have always had, continue doing what I love, all while building a financial stability for my family I haven't had in the past.
I love capturing amazing moments for my clients with my camera but I want to show them how they can preserve all the memories I don't photograph for them as well. The everyday memories that are sitting in their shoe boxes or on their computers. It isn't about me; it's about my client and how I can help them. Why shouldn't a non-professional be able to design and purchase a professional product? Most publishing companies I have worked with in the past do not allow a non-professional to buy from them and they certainly have not sent me a pay check for all my purchases at the end of each month.
I love a team environment. Because of HM I am able to lead an amazing team of people from all over the country. I have learned so much working side by side some of the most amazing people. We are helping each other change our clients lives...it feels great!
I need to know that I am a part of something bigger. Something that is helping people, bringing families together, preserving memories, teaching people how to do something with their photos so they aren't sitting on thumb drives, cd's, and computers.
I don't HAVE to be a photographer; I LOVE being a photographer. I don't HAVE to be a Heritage Maker's consultant. I LOVE being a Heritage Maker's consultant.
HOW: If you clicked on the how link you already know how easy it is to create your own projects through Heritage Makers from your own computer. You may go to my website to create your free account and get started. I love to design and I love helping my clients design as well (that's what I am here for) so email me and I will help you get started, show you how you can get started for free, and how you can can help others do the same.
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